Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Introductory Post.

Hey everybody!

I'm Nicolette Estrella, better known as Nikki, more or less known as the Lass Rhapsodist. I just finished my first year at San Jose State and I am currently an Advertising major. Being an Advertising major, I am so very familiar with the art of communication, verbal and visual, and I love it. I love to talk, interact, I love words. I love being on a mic, reciting spoken word poetry, communicating with people in ways I'd never imagined.

Last semester I took two online courses so the "netiquette" concept is nothing really new to me, however this is the first time I was ever required to create a blog for class. That much is pretty interesting already and I'm looking forward to the rest.


  1. This class must be a blast for you since you love interacting with others. Hope you have fun in the class!

  2. This is the first time I was ever required to create a blog for class too haha

  3. This is also my first time creating a blog ever! So I'm interested to see how this turns out! Nice meeting you. --Babbie

  4. Hey there!

    This is my first as well creating and posting a blog for a class.

    That's awesome that you love interacting with others. I had considered Advertising as a major as well, but decided Communications was more for me but they do connect haha

    -little miss daisy

  5. Hey! Nice to meet you! I love talking and interacting with others as well! haha
    This blog thing is pretty cool! I had to do it for one of my classes last semester.
